What Are Love Handles? Causes & Ways To Get Rid Of Them
By Forever Expert
What are love handles? Love handles refer to the extra fat accumulation around the sides of the waist and hips. Love handles are embarrassing as they are easily visible when you are wearing a tight t-shirt or top. Thus, people always look for effective ways to get rid of these. The fat accumulation is generally over your oblique muscles, which are often overlooked during abdominal exercises. Therefore, everyone finds it very difficult to get rid of the love handles.
Thus, we are going to discuss the common reasons behind love handles and the ways to get rid of them.
What Are The Common Causes Of Love Handles?
There are several factors that can contribute to the accumulation of extra fat around your waistline and hips. General causes include hormonal changes, age factors, lack of sleep, and certain untreated health conditions. Lifestyle factors include zero exercise, sugary foods, junk foods, and processed foods, etc. These are the most common causes of love handles, in both men and women.
Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Here are some of the most effective ways to get rid of love handles quickly and safely.
Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

By replacing a calorie-dense diet with a nutrient-dense diet, you can easily get lose weight and excess fat. When you cut down your daily caloric intake, your weight management becomes pretty easy. Moreover, nutrient-dense foods help in boosting your immunity, health, and well-being. Also, you can avoid several diseases by consuming foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.
Increase Fiber Intake

Fiber-rich foods are very helpful in boosting our metabolism and digestive system. Moreover, foods with dietary fiber take a longer time to get absorbed and digested by our bodies. Thus, we feel full for a longer time and our cravings are automatically cut down. Several medical studies have linked fiber-intake with weight loss and fat elimination.
Don’t Consume Added Sugar

Added sugar refers to the extra sugar added to various processed foods and beverages as artificial sweeteners. Consuming added sugar not only results in obesity but also causes several health problems. Several studies have proven the ill-effects of added sugar on our body & health. Thus, it is recommended to cut down foods with added sugar, such as cookies, soft drinks, sodas, etc. This will help in eliminating love handles and extra fat from other body areas.
Avoid Stress

Stress is one of the most common causes behind most health problems, including love handles. When you take too much stress, the Cortisol hormone is released by the adrenal gland. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can lead to further problems like poor digestion, nervousness, and weight gain. Thus, it is always recommended to steer away from stress and stressful situations. This will not only help in eliminating love handles but also offer other psychological benefits too.
Sleep Well

Sleep is one of the most common causes of weight gain, as it also boosts the production of cortisol hormone. Various medical studies have proven that people with a lack of sleep are more prone to obesity. Thus, it is highly recommended to get proper sleep of around 7-8 hours daily. This will help you in managing weight, while also boosting your mental health.
Eat More Protein

Protein is one of the most essential nutrients to build and tone our body muscles. Moreover, protein-rich foods help in keeping you full for a longer time. Several medical studies have linked high-protein consumption with loss of belly fat. Thus, you need to regularly eat protein-filled foods like eggs, salmon, avocado, nuts, and seeds, etc.
Drink More Water

For people who want to lose weight and excess fat from their body, water is highly recommended by fitness experts. Firstly, water helps in keeping us full for longer and cuts down our cravings. Secondly, it helps in eliminating extra fats and toxins from our body through perspiration. Thus, it is highly recommended to drink 3-4 liters of water every day. Also, you can even consume watery fruits and vegetables to fulfill your daily water needs.
Physical Activities

When you want to lose weight and extra fat from your body, it is very important to do more physical activities. Physical activities don’t only include exercise but other tasks too. For example, walking around in your office during free time or walking from work to home (if your office is nearby). In several studies, it was found that general physical activities can help in boosting fat loss around the belly area.
Do More Cardio

Cardio workout is one of the best ways to manage weight and get rid of stubborn fat from the whole body. It has been medically proven by various studies around the world. Moreover, it keeps your mind and body healthy. Thus, you can do various cardio exercises like swimming, cycling, running, aerobics, and dance, etc. These will help in keeping you fit by eliminating love handles as well.
Love Handle Exercises

Here are some of the best exercises that you can do to get rid of love handles quickly. By combining these exercises or workouts with a healthy and nutritious diet, you can easily eliminate love handles. All these exercises are highly recommended by fitness experts all around the world.
- Bicycle Crunches
- Side Plank Hip Lifts
- Russian Twists
- Wood Choppers
- Mountain Climbers
- Jump Bur pees
- Box Jumps
- Hanging Leg Raises
- Side Squats
- Battle Rope Waves
- Dead Lifts
- Kettle Ball Swings
- One Hand Toe Touch
- Side Stretching
- Side Kicks
The Bottom Line
So this was everything you need to know about love handles, their causes and effective ways to get rid of them. By following these tips, you can easily get your perfect waistline in a very short time. Also, you can get in touch with a licensed dietician for a custom-made diet plan for you. For queries and suggestions, don’t hesitate to write in the comments section below.
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