Gaining weight
When we talk about a perfect figure, we imagine a picture-perfect body that is ideal from every angle. But then, when we look at the mirror, we tend to pinpoint parts that we need to sculpt, mold or even make bulkier. We think about gaining weight. The idea revolves around a healthy way of eating right and in an ideal manner. After a diet, it comes the turn of weight lifting and physical exercise. You may look forward to several intensive workout sessions that help you build muscles and lean mass over your body.
Another way to incorporate weight gain in your life is to eat more than you can burn. Here you can consume more calories than you can burn. Weight gain comes with storing energy instead of burning it up. It makes the calorie count more in favor of weight gain and help in staying away from unnecessary weight loss. Besides these, you can simply start your day with some routine habits that can help you in gaining weight. In this piece of article, we shall discuss these morning habits that will help increase lean mass on your body in a safer way.
Get more nutrients for gaining weight
If you clock the fat, sugar or sodium content of any food, you may be able to gain pounds quicker than expected. You should eat food that is rich in these nutrients first thing in the morning. This will increase your appetite and will help you eat more during the day. Also, nutrients like carbohydrates or sugar will help in building mass. This habit is opposite to drinking a warm glass of water of having green tea empty stomach in the morning. The latter, of course, is used to cut fat and lose weight instantly. Hence, you should not drink warm water first thing in the morning. Instead, you may go for a calorie-rich diet such as almonds, bananas, potatoes, boiled eggs, etc.
Stay empty stomach
Staying an empty stomach in the morning might help you in gaining weight. This is a process that involves few steps and gives a good result in the end. Your body is deprived of food and energy as you are sleeping for at least 7 hours at night. Hence, by rule, it needs energy when you wake up. This energy is consumed from food. And when you keep it deprived of energy, you tend to increase your appetite. This results in more hunger. As a result, when you eat late, you tend to eat more than usual. This is because you are feeling hungry as the last meal you ate was hours ago last night. This will make you gain weight as you will eat more throughout the day by controlling your hunger first thing in the morning.
Weight gain exercises at home
The best and safest idea to gain weight is to indulge in weight building exercises. While many people make it a point to do weight lifting in gyms, others practice weight building exercises at home. If you are a starter, you can simply do some weight gaining exercises at home that need no equipment. Some of these include:
- Push-ups and pull-ups
- Lifting bricks or tires
- Wide press-ups
- Stairs climbing
- One hand press-ups
- Chin-ups
- Headstand wall walk
Training harder for gaining weight
The simple solution to building muscles and gaining weight is to train harder than ever during the morning routine. When you lift more weight and do more reps, you tend to build more lean muscle in a short amount of time. Lifting weight can simply help you build muscle mass as well. This happens as our body used the food we eat to recover your muscles. When we do an intensive workout, we tend to tear our muscles which are then recovered by our body in the process of building new muscles. Lifting and training also increase your hunger. This makes you eat more and gain weight easily.
One thing to note while you indulge in training is that if you keep on eating too much without lifting the weight, the excess food will be converted into fat. This is a common symptom in people eating more calories than they can burn. You don’t want to be the person who is transforming from skinny to chubby, instead of going from skinny to muscular.
Weight lifting tips for skinny guys
For skinny people who are looking to gain weight, weight lifting should be done in a precisely correct manner, especially in the morning. By following the given below guidelines, you can ensure that you are going in the right direction of building muscles, instead of building fats:
- Try using free-weights. This is important as free weights are more effective since you can balance them yourself. They are also safer as you can control the bar moves. These are even more effective than dumbbells as the weight is heavier and you can add as many pounds as you want.
- Never skip compound exercises like deadlifts, bench, presses, rows, and squats. These will keep your body muscles active and you will build overall muscle strength. This will also give you the energy to play with the heaviest weight. You may also be able to trigger maximum muscle strength and growth in your body. You can do compound exercises as a warm-up before weight lifting.
- The next guideline is to keep progressing. Using the same weight for more than one week is like a crime in the arena of weight gain. You should slowly increase your weight. This will give you the strength to lift heavier and build better muscles.