
It has been almost two months since the rise of the Novel Coronavirus and up until this day, its outbreak continues to leave more countries with more cases of individuals being rushed to the nearest hospitals, having more citizens and countrymen panicking and worried about what’s to come. Professional researchers and doctors around the world have been doing their best to not only cure patients but also to find an end and vaccine to stop this rapidly growing and fastly spreading virus that started back in December 2019.

It was firstly detected in the city of Wuhan in China and eventually made its way to more than 100 locations internationally. On January 3030, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization declared that this outbreak is already a “public health emergency of international concern”.

As of today, a growing number of 114.515 cases are recorded and a number of 4,027 deaths. Many officials and government officers have been doing their best to try to contain this virus in hopes that there will be no rising cases. In the Philippines, it was later stated and confirmed that there has been a jump of cases from 2 to 24. Because of this, Filipinos have been alarmed and have been doing their very best to protect their wellbeing and family members’ health.

It is essential to be knowledgeable about the symptoms and prevention of the rising Novel Coronavirus for us to be able to take more efficient action for the betterment of yourself and the people around you. What are the symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Disease?

Symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus

It is vital for you to know that the Novel Coronavirus is a type of person-to-person transmission. Meaning that an individual has caught it, people who are in close contact with him or her are at high risk of getting infection as well. These are spread through respiratory droplets that that comes in the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or leaves a residue on the things they touch and eat. When you get the infection of the Novel Coronavirus, symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. So it’s best and the only crucial to rush to the nearest hospital and call a healthcare professional immediately when you develop symptoms or have been in close contact with an infected individual. Here are the symptoms to watch out:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Because this virus has symptoms identical to the common flue, it’s best to take the proper rest. This is important as once these symptoms arise. However, if these symptoms persist, go to your nearest doctor and get checked immediately.

How can the Novel Coronavirus be prevented?

You would need all the information and insights you can do to protect yourself. This helps to protect your family and the people around you from the Novel Coronavirus. Since there is no existing vaccine for this, the best and most essential way to counter is through proper prevention. Be extra mindful of your actions and take preventive actions every day. Help prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus to yourself and to other people through these steps:

  • Avoid close contact with large groups of people. It’s inevitable in our daily lives and day-to-day tasks to come across different individuals. This is common as our activities include transportation, commuting, work, or even school. For the safest option, keep your distance and wear face masks to prevent bacteria and respiratory particles.
  • Highly avoid touching and scratching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth with your arm or with a disposable tissue (to throw afterward) when you cough and sneeze.
  • When feeling sick, stay at home and get plenty of rest until recovered.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects.
  • Use your own utensils, avoid sharing.
  • You should always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Especially after going to the bathroom or coming from unknown areas.
  • If soap and water are not available, keep an alcohol spray or hand sanitizer at all times.

Key Takeaway

Because this virus is still growing and spreading through the country, it’s best to be knowledgeable. You should know the prevention tips and symptoms. Remember to always stay up to date with the latest news for this virus. If you are sick and symptoms persist, bring yourself to the nearest hospitals. This can help to reduce the higher risks of sickness.

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