Importance of breastfeeding
A baby grows in the womb for nine months. In that time period, he takes nutrition and other required food from the mother’s body. This is done through the umbilical cord or the placenta attached to the stomach of the baby. The birth of a human baby is one of the finest miracles of God. Not only the baby is taken care of in the womb, but he also helps the mother heal quickly by producing antigens and the antibodies so both mother and child have a great Importance of breastfeeding.
We may take a sigh of relief when a delivery is being done without any harm to the kid and mother. But the real deal starts after the baby comes out. The immune system of the baby is too delicate and can catch diseases easily. But God again as provided the solution to this problem in the form of proven benefits of breastfeeding. The mother’s milk is high in lactogen and paves the way for a mentally and physically healthy baby.
Let’s get to know about some of the vital benefits of breastfeeding for the baby
Benefits of breastfeeding
A reduction in the risk of viruses and several other infections
Breastfeeding simply induces the risk of urinary tract infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, ear infections, respiratory problems, and other gastrointestinal issues. It is often seen that the chances of colds, viruses, pneumonia are less in babies having breastfed milk since birth. Also, the infants who take in formulas for lactogen or milk, are more likely to have ear infections as a comparison with those having natural mother’s milk. The ones taking formula may also suffer from pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections.
Breastfeeding increases Immunity against allergies and infections
Doctors now believe that mother’s milk is a natural medicine or tonic for the newly born. It is the perfect food made by nature. It consists of various types of antibodies that boost immunity.

Immunity against allergies and infections
Also, the milk comprises of various enzymes that are healthy and easy to replicate. Breastfeeding and child health have deep roots. The milk protects the baby from allergies and eczema. If the family has a history of such diseases, the milk is highly beneficial. In contrary to this, cow milk can have caused an allergic reaction. The proteins in breast milk, however, are easy to digest for the baby’s newly developed digestive system.
It causes fewer stomach problems
The breastfed milk is known for reducing the occurrence of stomach issues like stomach upset, constipation, diarrhea and many more. Mother’s milk is easy to break down by your baby’s stomach and hence is healthier.
Breastfeeding prevents obesity
While this is still debatable, researchers believe that infants fed on mother’s natural milk have fewer chances of becoming obese later in their life. The reason behind this benefit is those nursing mothers develop a tuning with the signals urging them to know when their baby is full. They tend to know when to stop and when not to overfeed. This makes the mother rely on her instincts to know the baby’s behavior in a far better way,
Besides all, the main importance of breastfeeding lies in the fact that it makes the baby come closer to the mother. When you feed a baby with a bottle, you tend to do it while not being closer to the little one. On the other hand, feeding promotes a skin to skin contact that is really assuring and calming for a newborn.
Benefits of breastfeeding for mom
Breastfeeding is such a unique and God-blessed formula that even mothers can pile up some advantages from it. First of all, breastfeeding simply reduces the risk of ovarian as well as breast cancer, thanks to the antibodies contained in the milk. Studies also show how mothers who are breastfeeding have less risk of developing breast cancers in a later period of life.