Hi friends…Kids are the most valuable assets. Our life revolves around them. But do you feel good if your child becomes sick frequently, He/she gets a cough, cold and sneezing whenever the weather change? This means his immune system is weak as a comparison to the other children. Lets us have a look at what is the immune system. Immunity is the resistance power of the body to fight diseases and to fight infections. So it is the inner strength of the body in this article we will focus on how to boost kids Immunity.
Let us have a look at what are the visible symptoms or reasons for the low or weak immune system.
Sometimes weaker immune system in kids may be due to genetics. It transfers from one generation to other. For example, if you are allergic to mango your kid may also be allergic to mango too. Or you may be allergic to mushrooms, chilies even some kids I have noticed may be allergic to a certain dry fruit or fruit too.
2) Pollution-Bad air quality or pollution may be the other reason for weak immunity. When the lungs inhale bad air it badly affects the respiratory tract. As a result, the immune system suffers.
3) Changed weather conditions-The weather changes without any alarm. Our body’s resistance power accordingly affects. Some kids are more prone to extreme weather conditions. Sometimes it is hot, sometimes it is cool, some days are humid, so chances of getting attacked in such weather is more to kids with poor immunity.
4)Use of strong antibiotics-Sometimes due to cold, cough and flu symptoms we give antibiotics to kids. In some instances, they give relief from the disease but in the long run, may damage the internal system slowly. Strong antibiotics badly affect a kid’s immune system.
Now the question is how we can develop or boost kids immunity. Here is a list of the ways or tools to improve immunity-
Create a healthy environment around your kids-The very create a healthy environment at home. Make sure to limit sugar intake. Also, try to limit the consumption of junk food and packaged food. Develop healthy eating habits which will lead to stronger metabolism.
Make sure your kid does not eat much in a time-Consequently the metabolism becomes weak. Make him learn properly in small quantities at a proper time.
1-2 hours of physical activity or exercise daily-Make sure your kid spends 1-2 hours of the day in the playground. They can do some exercises or dance too. Make sure they sweat. This helps to develop healthy bacteria in their body which makes them much healthier and stronger
On-time vaccination-Make sure your kid gets all vaccines on time. It helps him fighting with the infections and bacteria and thus will help in developing an immune system.
On-time meals and proper sleep schedule-Make sure that the kid is taking his/her meals at regular intervals and at proper timings. Likewise, sleeping timings must also be confirmed. Fix a particular time to take him/her to bed.
Strong immunity with yoga-Yoga do miracles to boost your little one’s immunity. Do a lot of walking, jumping, rope skipping, running exercises along with. Certain yoga poses and tips by a certified instructor help your kids to develop better immunity.
Maintain food hygiene-Tell the kid to wash hands before and after meals. Encourage him to cover his nose with hands while sneezing. Then immediately wash off his hands. Also, make sure he wears clean and tidy clothes and changes clothes while coming from out. A cotton handkerchief must be kept for personal use. Also, make sure that your kid brushes his/her teeth twice a day. Such small daily routine habits or tips will help him in the long run.