It’s that time of the year again where the weather is getting warmer, flowers are starting to blossom, and birds are flocking to their summer nests. While you are supposed to enjoy this marvelous period of the year, you are getting kind of anxious, because you know that this is just an overture to the troublesome process that awaits. And that is the process of shedding all those winter reserves you have stored around your belly and thighs. After all, summer is the season where all of those imperfections are most clearly seen. However, you needn’t lose sleep over this, as there is still time to get a summer body you’ll feel confident about. Let’s see how you ought to tackle this challenge.
Set your priorities straight
It is important that I make a disclaimer right from the start. As it is already March, and the summer season begins with the first days of June, it would be wise not to set your expectations too high. There is only so much a person can do over the span of three months. While you can deprive yourself of almost all foods, and eat only lettuce for 90 days, you will find this attempt to be of an unfortunate outcome, as you will most likely give up after day 4. This is by all means understandable. After all, I speak from experience when I say that extremely rigorous diets without previous preparations almost never work.

Having a bit looser diet plan that you can stick with is better than the more rigorous one you are struggling to maintain
With this in mind, you should set your priorities straight and get the right mindset before you start cutting down on calories. In order to get a summer body that you will be proud of, you will need discipline and perseverance. There will be two things you need to focus during this period and those are:
- Proper diet
- Correct workouts
Maintaining a proper diet is the most important factor that will help you get a summer body
Whichever way you look at it, losing weight is all about cutting down on your calorie intake. This means that it is possible to eat only chocolate bars and popcorn and lose weight, just as long as you are in a calorie deficit. However tempting this route may seem, it is actually rather unfavorable for both your body and mind. As chocolate bars are high in calories, you will need no more than two or three to satiate your daily calorie needs. And that will leave you hungry throughout the day. Not to mention that you are by no means giving your body the nutrients that it needs to function properly.
Once you understand that, it will be easier to approach your diet. And it is important to find the diet that suits you, as that is the only way to maintain it. Some of the general rules of thumb to follow that will undoubtedly provide results include:
- Applying fasting to any diet you choose to follow. Multiple studies have shown that willful refrainment from eating for a period of time is greatly beneficial for weight loss, muscle gain, and better health overall. I suggest that you take a break from your last meal from the previous day and your first meal from the following one for 16 hours if you are a man, and 14 hours if you are a woman.
- Avoid mixing proteins and carbs in your meals. This will make it much easier for your stomach to digest the foods you are eating. So, you would eat your meats, eggs and dairy products with some salads and leafy greens.